We often measure earnings in terms of an annual salary, but it can be difficult to think about how much this actually means you’ll be taking home each day.

The average full-time worker in the UK currently earns £11.82 per hour (after tax), which works out at £94.55 a day, but how does your job stack up? And how much do some of the highest and lowest paid jobs in the country actually take home each day?

  • Key

  • Median Daily Wage (Pre-Tax/Post-Tax)
  • Above/Below National Average (Post-Tax)
  • Above/Below National Average (Post-Tax)



All earnings data was sourced from the Office for National Statistics’ Earnings and hours worked, occupation by four-digit SOC: ASHE Table 14.

We took the median hourly earnings for full-time workers in the 100 most common jobs in the UK and multiplied them by eight to calculate a median daily wage, assuming there to be eight hours in a working day.

We then used Salary Bot’s Take Home Pay Calculator to calculate the post-tax wage.

Note that we only looked at occupations with four SOC code digits and omitted any which were marked as “n.e.c.” (not elsewhere classified).